
As the most vital part of any computer, hardware plays a crucial role in computer technology. Hence for assembling, maintaining, networking and repairing of a computer an in depth study of hardware is inevitable.In our well equipped laboratory we provide the necessary training to our students in this level. Also we provide good training for software developments in our laborotary. Computer Hardware Engineering is a specialised course for training the students in the intricacies of computer hardware along with necessary training for devolping softwares. The students are moulded into adepts both through practice and therory.

The training encompasses assembling of hardware parts, networking, software development,servicing various parts of the computer and the controlling of devices using microcontrollers and microprocessors. The students who complete the course successfully will be an asset in the feild of technology. Being a highly job oriented course, they wil have no difficulty in serving decent jobs in the field of hardware as well as software.


To mould professionally skilled Computer Technicians who uphold human values and contribute to the betterment of the society.


  • M1: To impart quality education and training to the students.
  • M2: To train the students professionally through industry interaction, thereby enabling them to face challenges in the dynamic technical environment.
  • M3: To encourage students to extend their skills & services to society, thereby enabling the students to acquire communication skills, team spirit, professional ethics and social responsibilities.