
Diploma Programme in Computer Engineering. In order to achieve the expectations as stated in mission statement, a variety of pedagogical tools are adopted for integrated learning. They include lecture-cum-discussion, laboratory work, tutorials, home assignments, seminars, field visits and project work. The department offers the need base rigorous coaching and continuous evaluation.Department emphasizes on large number of Industry/field based projects and continuous evaluation. Department emphasizes on large number of interaction with professionals, Student guidance and advisory system with faculty as counselor and active participation of students in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Through industry oriented highly demanding new generation courses, we are offering quality exposure to the enchanting world of new generation technologies. Apart from mere education, we are molding professionals to face the challenges in the future world.

Discipline, hard work, positive thinking, and commitment to excellence are the guiding principles that propel the college to its vision of emerging as a Centre of Excellence in technical education in the country. Value systems such as eco-friendliness, quality consciousness and work ethics are also being instilled through the special work culture and campus life existing in the college.

Intake - 60 seats