Diploma Programme in Computer Engineering. In order to achieve the expectations as stated in mission statement, a variety of pedagogical tools are adopted for integrated learning. They include lecture-cum-discussion, laboratory work, tutorials, home assignments, seminars, field visits and project work. The department offers the need base rigorous coaching and continuous evaluation.Department emphasizes on large number of Industry/field based projects and continuous evaluation. Department emphasizes on large number of interaction with professionals, Student guidance and advisory system with faculty as counselor and active participation of students in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
An institution committed to holistic education in engineering and technology skills, bringing out globally competent practitioners who uphold human values and contribute for the betterment of the society.
Our team works well based on projects challenge the student to apply the technical knowledge they gain in college to solve meaningful and complex problems. However, to be truly proficient in teamwork, a student must also learn and practice a large number of peripheral skills. These include planning, estimating, tracking progress, taking corrective actions, managing change, controlling and managing risks, maintaining ethical and professional conduct, communicating complex ideas clearly and concisely, using design automation tools, leveraging web-based tools for team collaboration, and most importantly participating effectively as team members. It is essential that students should be taught these important skills. It is unlikely that without adequate faculty guidance students can pick up these skills through ad-hoc project experience.